Division Shortcut #1


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  1. MrKitMath 6 years ago

    I’m wondering about why this one has decimals rather than fractions. The strategies I came up with all relate to the notion of the 0.5 as 1/2, and I don’t see 325 / 5 as “obvious” of a shortcut. So I’m wondering what the goal is with this problem using decimals.

    • Grace Kelemanik 6 years ago

      The goal here is for math doers to this structurally by chunking, changing the form, and connecting to math they know. So students who “change the form” of 32.5 and/or 0.5 to a fraction equivalent to make the numbers easier to work are thinking structurally. Some may also change the form of the numeric expression, as you mentioned, to 325 / 5. Another approach might be to change the form of 32.5 to 30 + 2.5, and then divide each “chunk” by 0.5. or…

      • Author
        Amy Lucenta 6 years ago

        I could also imagine students connecting to what they know about division and asking themselves, “how many 1/2s are in 32.5?”.


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