Banana Pudding 5.NF.B.7

Carolina is making her special banana pudding recipe. She is looking for her cup measure, but can only find her quarter cup measure.

  1. How many quarter cups does she need for the sour cream? Draw a picture to illustrate your solution, and write an equation that represents the situation.
  2. How many quarter cups does she need for the milk? Draw a picture to illustrate your solution, and write an equation that represents the situation.
  3. Carolina does not remember in what order she added the ingredients but the last ingredient added required 12 quarter cups. What was the last ingredient Carolina added to the pudding? Draw a picture to illustrate your solution, and write an equation that represents the situation.

Powerpoints: Banana Pudding Capturing Quantities

Task adapted from Illustrative Mathematics

Additional Resources available at Achieve the Core

Back to Capturing Quantities Tasks


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